Senior Regional Continuous Improvement Manager @ Pactiv LLC (Lake Forest, IL) F/T. Drve the imprvmnt of prcsses & systms in manufctrng plnts & implmnt prgrms that will hve continuing lng-trm benefits. Reqts: Bachlr's degr, or forgn equivlnt, in Indstr'l Engg, Metallrgc'l Engg, or rltd fld, & 7 yrs of exp in job offrd, as Continuous Imprvmnt Mgr, or rltd pos invlvng Continuous Imprvmnt for manufctrng oprtns. Emplyr will accpt pre-or post Bachlr's degr exp. Full trm of exp must inclde each of the fllwng: Lean manufctrng; Statstc'l methods & prcss imprvmnt tchnqs; 5S, SMED, TPM, VSM, PDCA or equiv, A3 Prblm Solvng; &, Lean Methodlgy, incldng Kaizen, 5S, Stndrd Wrk, Daily Mngmnt, Layered Audit Prcss & Bus Plan dvlpmnt. Emplyr will accpt any suitable combintn of educatn, training, or exp. Up to 70% travl reqrd to visit plnt sites dmstclly & intrntnlly. Remote wrk permtted frm anywhere in US. Email resume to Ref PA-6903219.